Saturday, October 22, 2022

Audace School of Modelling - Advanced Final Exam - Fall 2022

Hello all you wonderful people.

I finally made it to the end of my advanced modelling course with Audace and tomorrow I take my final exam so I thought I would share with you all my final outfits. I had to create a Flower Child from the Hippie Era for the first part of my exam and the second was to create a Tim Burton Inspired Character. 

So first up........Flower Child

This head shot shows the hair and make up. Typically flower children or hippies used to love to paint flowers, peace symbols and various other things all over their bodies including their faces. This cute flower make up is by "Just the Mirror" and called Sunflower. They loved to wear flowers in their hair and flower wreaths were common as well as beaded headbands, but I opted for a sprinkling of flowers from "Monso" called Daisy Accessories. You can also just see my necklace Called Peace Bead Necklace and comes from the aptly named "Hippy Chick".

I chose a simple maxi skirt and top combination. The top is tie dyed which I thought very hippie typical and comes from Blueberry and called Natalia. I really loved how colourful and happy this top made me feel. It comes in all the usual sizes including Maitreya, Legacy and Slink. The skirt looks a bit like "cheesecloth" and comes in a variety of colours, but I choose Sky blue. It is made by Bluxome and is called Maia, and again comes in all the usual major sizes. I'm also wearing some Dixie Boho Wedges that come from LC and have an amazing colour hud that changes the various flowers and beads.

Jewelery selection comprises of a delicate silver belly chain by Babette and the Peace bead Necklace is from Hippy Chick. I am also wearing a selection of braided and beaded bracelets from Bonita and a lovely little butterfly ring set which comes from Yummy. 

Now going from lightness and sweetness to the exact opposite with......

A Tim Burton Inspiration

I had to create a Tim Burton inspired character and this is what I came up with and I fondly called her Blade Lover. This Head shot comprises of "A Crown of Blades" made by The Half Moon Market and comes in various metals. I am wearing obsidian. The earrings are called Tsara Ear Cuffs and are made by Vuluxia. I really enjoyed the makeup side of this task. Here I am wearing a few layers thanks to BOM to give this overall effect. Firstly, I am wearing a Set of makeup from LOA which gives you the skin tone the facial tattoos, eyeshadow, eyebrows and even eyes and is called Tim Burton's "Emily". I then added some little cuts to my face using a tattoo layer from NT called "Edward Scissorhands". The Stitching that runs all over my face and matches the catsuit I am wearing is by Reverie and called My Creation. I have also added some additional stitching to my lips from Clover and are called "Silence". Have to admit I loved the result.

This body shot turned out very halloweenish but still loved the result. I wanted to give a feeling of dangerous but sexy with it and you don't get much sexier than a "Cat Woman" suit from SM and again comes in Maitreya and Legacy sizes. Not a lot of jewelery on this character but she does have a serious pair of gloves, or should I say Claws that are called "Rayne" and made by Skellybones. They too come in Maitreya, Legacy and Ebody sizes. Finally check out those shoes, if you can call them shoes. They are made by 1313 and are called "Tragic Ballet Knives and Shoes". If you do just happen to get a dance from this lady watch your feet because if she stands on your foot you will end up losing one or two toes.

And finally.... 

So, there you have it, my final exam with Audace shared with you all. I have to say this past year with Audace (did the basic course in spring) has been an eye opener. You learn so much and not just about modelling. If you are interested in learning some new skills like photography or blogging then Audace is the place for you and the people you need to contact are DebbieDoo Tigerfish, Jasmine Loening or ZeeZee (zexxxy.xaris). They can tell you what the courses entail and when the next available dates are. Then you are well on your way to broadening your horizons and enhancing your Second Life like you never imagined before.          

Till next time...... love Lyra xxxx

{aka Squirrel}

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