Sunday, September 4, 2022

Day One and a whole new adventure!

Hello World of Blogging!!!

Firstly,  a little bit about myself.... I have been in Second Life 7 years next month (October 22) and spent most of my time shopping (you know where I'm coming from girls!) 

My SL probably kicked off when I met my partner, Sitlan Breil aka Nut. We met at a dance show, sitting next to each other, on 30th April and partnered on 2nd July 2021 and so far are going from strength to strength.

The story behind Nut and Squirrel is simply because I kept saying he was a nut, totally crazy and always making me laugh with his "one liners". He in turn said he was my nut which made me his Squirrel...and there you have it Nut & Squirrel and our home in SL is called The Wonderlicious Nest!

Sitlan owns Telsiope Couture and together we supply a gorgeous, reasonably priced line of both casual and formal wear for the beautiful ladies of SL. (Sitlan has just started making a men's range, more to come about that so keep posted) In coming posts you will see our latest releases, special offers and details of events we are currently in around the grid.

There is so much to share with you and I am really looking forward to future posts about fashion, life, loves, events, shows and more!

Till next time....Love Lyra xxxx

{aka Squirrel}

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MMM Christmas Shopping Event

  Happy Weekend People.. ..and a very welcome to our Nest where you will find all the latest events and hunts that Telsiope will be joining ...